JVC Everio GZ-MS100's PicturesIt must be a Mirage (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
As you might be able to guess that has been nothing much doing as far as pictures around Zamyatin, and even this weekend was a little flat but busy nonetheless. Birthdays and presents and all sorts have been the order of the day so nothing really of interest at all really. Highs and lows have been had but nothing specific.
This picture is from Las Vegas and is a picture of The Mirage hotel from the Venetian using the video camera purely because of the fact that it has a really good zoom lens on it so because of that it's a little abstract as it's quite high up on the building and it's reflecting the other wing of itself so you can't really work out which way up it is. Anyway I like it because of the reflections and it's abstract nature.
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Llandudno Monkey Business (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
Fully fed up with work it was off to Llandudno but initially the Welsh Mountain Zoo. I only remembered after being there for a few hours of our last time here where I think I got a little grumpy about the Pokomon-like visiting that we did. It was nothing about enjoying the trip it was all about seeing every last thing like some mad collector.
It wasn't that bad this time but at one time it did look like it could have happend that way. Note to self, if my wife wants to go to the Welsh Mountain Zoo, decline the offer politely, not that it's a bad place to be honest.
Here we have a couple of moneys in the enclosure for your Delightment. They were playing about to their hearts content that day climbing all over the place as monkeys do.
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Castle Howard (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
Oh I just couldn't think of a funny pun for this. I must be loosing my touch.
So for Valentines day we went off to Castle Howard. Lodging in Kirkbymoorside which appears to have more pubs than houses it was almost like being in Ireland, or at least the Ireland that I have been used to just with no Irish people but no pubs for me, we hit the local Tandoori house, needless to say with Castle Howard on the agenda I hung back on the chilli lime pickle.
The weather was at least kind to us for the first half of the day. The day before wasn't so good and in the afternoon it was variable but now it was good and this is the house with a fountain of Atlas in the foreground.a
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Shivering Sands not to tell what you 'eard (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
Archive pics again, I know you love 'em with a pun attached too so here we go. This was taken near Sheerness, it's of the Shivering Sands Fort. This trip found the island that Sheerness is on to be interesting but strange. With one route in and out it seems quite busy with a holiday place too. We got lost a bit I remember but stopped to take this picture. For a better and closer look at these towers in the Thames Estuary then you can do no better than look at Joe Ruffles Flickr page. Well I say you can do no better, I am sure that going to see them yourself is better but apart from that they're pretty good.
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Don't Touch Bombs (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
Another one to add to my signs collection. Not as daft as the rest but still a little daft. This is in Dungeness with the obligatory Wikipedia article which is pretty interesting so I recommend reading it.
It's a confusing trip to the headland, there are two roads and the one we took takes you down a really bad road past a military firing range which was a bit of a worry as we headed down the road because we the signs aren't exactly explicit, so perhaps someone's turned a couple around. Not wishing to be put off by a few signs we carried on only to find that we were being followed by a white van travelling over this really bumpy damaged road faster than we were. Naturally my first thought was that we were soon to be faced with a few angry military men. Luckily when we stopped we found that in actual fact we were on the right road. We had turned up at the coast which is a site of special scientific interest with fines for doing the wrong thing. It also turned out that the white van people were interested in what was at Dungeness like us and they disappeared soon after appearing. There's nothing much there really though the beach is tranquil if you have time for such things which at the time we didn't.
Anyway back to the sign. It's not a strange sign in itself. In fact it's pretty self explanatory unless you see the other signs that are there. Further down there's a sign to say that you should not enter the firing range which is pretty good advise really so in what way would I be staring at any military debris if I were to obey the first sign. Also bearing in mind they're talking about debris would I be able to distinguish military debris from other debris? Well I hope so. The other strange thing is that the site is only fenced off on three sides. Get to the beach and there's no fence. Mind you you'll have to be either really unlucky or really stupid to stray. It's not as if the range has been decommissioned because there are firing dates on one of the gates.
As I finished this picture we were passed by a military security van. Knowing how they love people taking pictures of military land it's possible we were only seconds away from a serious questioning... phew.
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Like a Pig in Bugsworth (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
More pigs, this time in... Bugsworth.
The sun came out so a walk was in order. Avoiding the obvious lures of Outlton Park we had a gentle walk along the Bugsworth Basin. With the road booming in the background it was less than idyllic but a nice walk all the same. However these pigs (only one in the shot of course) seemed to be happy enough with the sun and the dirt. Luckily they couldn't see the sign telling you that they were prime pork and could be bought whole or half or for sausages.
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Venice Boatman (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
Simple pic of a Gondola in Carnival season. I like the reflection from the water personally, it almost looks like it's reflecting off his hull which I think for me makes this picture. So as usual a complete chance causes a good picture. Well I say It's good. As in the (new) old tradition of Big Brother “You Decide”. Hmmm... perhaps I should put a voting thing on this site... on the other hand since comments didn't work then perhaps not.
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Enough is Enough (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
When all the frock wearing is quite wearing this is what to do in Carnival Season in Venice. I snapped this chap from afar. I assume that he'd only got his head down as his dog was still quite alert and I do think that it was his dog but I could be wrong. Of course I didn't snap this is his face which is one of the many great things of a zoom lens. The other great thing is that (and it helps if you're tall like me) you can step back from the scrum as you get in Venice at Carnival time and take a picture at your leisure. Whilst the scrum are all trying to get as close and get the right picture, you can step back and zoom in and take it or leave it. Of course the worst thing about a zoom lens is the fact that you might be over 10-20 feet from a shot so no-one actually knows what you're looking at so people walk right in front of you. Of course being a little patient is a must. For the camera lovers out there then you'll also know that if you zoom in then the depth of field closes up so you do end up with a sharp picture of the subject with the background out of focus with a zoom lens. I have some pictures of this with the Minolta that I am waiting for so these may be scanned in at some point.
Anyway back to the picture. It's one of those pictures that I think... I'll swap with him... just for a few hours.
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