Blackpool's PicturesPages
On a weird trip to Blackpool, we started off the day with Madam Tussauds which apparently has been recently updated. To be honest I have no plan ever to get my picture taken with a star so I have no need to have my picture taken with a wax star. I must admit in real life, these waxworks seem a little dodgy and yet what is weird is that when you take a picture of it... it looks better. Of course we had to travel down the prom to see the lights and I an not sure why because my Daughter is plugged into music in the back and she's teenager. Of course it's because my Wife wanted to see the Illuminations... Of course.
Today's fun has mainly consisted of cycling the fifty one and a half miles to Blackpool in support of the British Heart Foundation. I started at 1:40am alone and in the dark which wasn't the plan but when I got to the start line I found them all packing up. When I asked what had happened I was told that they let my group go early. Thanks guys, so as a back marker already and no company to speak of I set off pretty fast hitting 20mph on the flat early on. Realising that it was best not to keep that sort of pace up being a casual cyclist I did try and slow a little, still I was catching people and passing them even up hill... what was going on? The main problem with the whole ride was the rain. It was stop start but mainly start and then near Preston it really came down making my wonder why the heck I was doing this, it was hammering it down, dark, my shoes we filling up and my gloves were soaked through. The rain stopped and the thought was forgotten and off we go again. The final stop in Warton was grim, in fact I felt fine until I stopped then started feeling cold for the first time. Luckily I had a long sleeved jersey that was dry to add to my other layers which help off the cold a little bit but by this time my arse and arms were already in a bit of pain and there was nothing I could do about that. Despite the rain nothing mechanical or flesh based actually failed which was good and I was pleased by my strong start and constant speed throughout despite a feeling of weakness in my legs towards the end, and despite it all I would do it again. By the way the picture isn't of the tower right after I finished. After finishing I found my Wife and got a McDonalds (one way to bridge the 3460 missing cals) and walked about a bit then took the picture. When I finished it was still pitch black owing to the fact that it was 5:17am. For those interested, you can look at the stats of the whole trip at my Garmin Connect page.
Says what it does on the tin really. I was going to call it Blackpool Tower Mix but decided to check that I actually had got it right before I named it and found the only reference to Blackpool Tower Mix was me. That's when I realised that I was two things, the first is that I am predictable and the second is I am wrong. The actual phrase I was searching for was Blackpool Tower Suite which was a fantastic World of Twist EP which I still have and must listen to again if I didn't wear it out in the early nineties. Try as I might I never seem to be able to get a good picture of the tower, but then again mainly when I go to Blackpool pictures are usually far from my mind as I am always stunned by how cheap the place looks. This weekend we were out at the Winter Gardens for a show. Of course I do have a picture of the Winter Gardens too, the only problem being is that again there's no way to get a good pic of that too with it having the same problem as the Tower which is the problem of the proximity of all the other 60's/70's buildings messing the shot up.
I finally worked out how to get the exposure setting on the Pentax otherwise this picture would have come up all wrong, it was quite a bright sky which was making it difficult to get good pictures. As you can see the Riverdance is now well and truly on it's side which it wasn't initially, so it does make you wonder how they plan to re-float it, it being on it's side and it being so far up the beach as I can imagine that it will need a few feet of water to get going. As you can see on this one there's the Blackpool tower in the background.
Sorry I couldn't help myself with the pun but I had to use it because every time saw a council notice I kept on thinking of the ITV drama that I never watch, so because it never left my mind I just had to make you endure the bad pun. Of course you cannot go the Blackpool and not make a trip to Cleveleys to pay a visit to the Riverdance and add to my collection of broken ships as started with the Duke of Lancaster. This particular one is strange because it does seem to attract quite a few visiters and there's really nothing much to see. I can of course imagine billions of similar pictures on the web owing to the number of people taking pictures. This is a picture of the bottom of the stricken vessel from the other side of the cordon.
As you can see this weekend saw a trip to Blackpool and on the way into Blackpool are two climbing walls, this being one, and this one also has a climber on it to prove that it is a climbing wall and I'm not just leading you down the garden path. Nothing much to say about this other than it's defiantly not the usual thing you see, climbing walls telling you where you are.
All night I was trying to get a picture of some blurriness and it all turned out rubbish. This one isn't bad, but it's not as good as I would have hoped. It's a tram passing some of the illuminations. I did try and get a picture of Bispham Station lit up in blue, but the delay between me pressing the button and camera taking the picture was so long that I nearly missed the whole thing, turned out that all I got was the right side of the station. Ah well there's always next year.
Well it's probably not him, bit it's a classic, dusted off year after year and is probably still there because of the adults who remember it from when they were young, the kids of course probably find it too sedate and would prefer the flashing lights of the "Playstation 360 Megadrive" display.
Ah the Pig Palace, it's a... Palace for Pigs and here it is the... Pig Palace where they can eat and have ribs apparently, not that I thought Pigs were to keen on ribs, but this is proof that they do... so there.
I like this pic, don't know what it's all in aid of but I like it. The lampposts in the foreground don't help, but it was quite poorly placed behind a load of street furniture, even so I think you can an essence of what it was like.