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It's been a long day what with all the walking, and I wish I could say that I found the real Hamburg, but perhaps that's something that takes time, mind you I might have found the real it's just it wasn't the one I was expecting. Since being here we have seen the town hall, the red light district (near our hotel), the fair ground, lots of docks (nearly leaving by a boat after a wrong turn) and the main park in Hamburg. All pretty impressive, but I was expecting pretty buildings and the like, but so far it's all been a bit utilitarian 60s concrete. That's not to say there haven't been beautiful buildings, the one behind the chocolate museum is impressive (and reminds me of a bourbon biscuit), but it's not something to come to Hamburg in itself. Still we are here for a couple more days so, there's time to get run over by a herd bicycles. Anyway, just at the North end of the park is this dominating...well not exactly imposing, but you can see it from all over the park, and it's quite impressive. It's a TV tower call the Heinrich-Heinz-Turmand more or less closed to the public in 2005 which is a pity as I was hoping to have a birds eye view of Hamburg.
Back to Tunisa today what with a busy few weeks and very little time to take snaps, but this is of the mausoleum in Monastir which is really impressive and definitely somewhere to go, but it's a weird place in that it's all neat and tidy and yet all you need to do is step 100 yards in another direction and it's becomes all messy and for a tourist resort (albeit out of season) it seems a little strange. Then you get to the beach and it becomes touristy in a way but then again not. Add to that we ended up going to lunch a few hundred yards away and it all looked OK when we went in but after ordering it became apparent that we were not in the lap of luxury. I would say one thing though, the next time you complain about Health and Safety then take a trip to anywhere in Tunisia and you'll be glad to come back to the cushioned warmth of rules. Health and Safety in Tunisia is carrying your baby whilst crossing the motorway as it would be absurd to make them walk themselves.
This is a pic of the Due Torri one of the two remaining towers in Bologna. As anyone who has seen Francheso de Mosto's program will be able to tell you, these towers were built to impress people and show power and wealth. So it would com as no surprise that there used to be hundreds in Bologna and now there are only two. Bologna appears to be old world Italy. Buildings rather drab and square on the outside. Nothing like the impressive and ornate buildings you see in Florence. The place is nonetheless impressive, where else can you find a station where a crack in the wall caused by a terrorists bomb has been preserved or a rather surprising statue of Neptune or perhaps the grandest entrance I have ever seen to a public park? Despite the amount of interesting stuff, it is far too warm here so there is only so much you can see before you have to run for the shelter of a bar... It's tough out here!
What I have found strange is that there no car parks where you park you car and pay when you leave, only pay and display down here which makes it very difficult when you have absolutely no money on you. Despite this we took advantage of a Sainsburys to buy one pack of mints with a tenner. Anyway on to Canterbury Cathedral, it's huge as you can imagine and similar to Seville's Cathedral in that respect. Unfortunately I felt tired and a bit uninterested in Cathedrals and the like (probably not the best day to be here but never mind). Despite this the Cathedral is beautiful and I'm hoping the picture come out OK so I can share them here at a a later date.
In an attempt to recover out English Heritage membership we went to Reculver Tower which turned out to be free. The tower threatened by the sea was OK, but the off shore gun emplacements were more interesting and viewable with a really strong zoom lens. Unfortunately I left the tripod in the car so it was all a bit jittery. With Margate looking as good as Blackpool we moved on to Ramsgate, my current location with a mobile signal. More than can be said for the holiday cottage.
Blimey have I been busy. So busy that I you're unfortunately going to have to put up with another old picture. I think it's amazing that whilst you're in this Cathedral you have a small courtyard with walkways around that contains such a beautiful view... well I think so. It's seems to be a similar scene in taly and Spain with tower and a beautiful courtyard. It does make you forget the scary steps up and the scary steps that you will have to descend on your way out that you can see on this picture.
Says what it does on the tin really. I was going to call it Blackpool Tower Mix but decided to check that I actually had got it right before I named it and found the only reference to Blackpool Tower Mix was me. That's when I realised that I was two things, the first is that I am predictable and the second is I am wrong. The actual phrase I was searching for was Blackpool Tower Suite which was a fantastic World of Twist EP which I still have and must listen to again if I didn't wear it out in the early nineties. Try as I might I never seem to be able to get a good picture of the tower, but then again mainly when I go to Blackpool pictures are usually far from my mind as I am always stunned by how cheap the place looks. This weekend we were out at the Winter Gardens for a show. Of course I do have a picture of the Winter Gardens too, the only problem being is that again there's no way to get a good pic of that too with it having the same problem as the Tower which is the problem of the proximity of all the other 60's/70's buildings messing the shot up.
This is one for the towers of the Plaza de Espana. Strange colours courtesy of the phone I am afraid... Well I'm not afraid, actually I quite like it. The Plaza is part of a large park with a semicircle crescent walkway with a huge fountain in the middle. Unfortunately our usual luck is with us and so the fountain was closed off by tents ready for some function or whether. I do have pictures of the crescent but with my bad luck again my pictures don't seem to be getting through. In which case I really do give up.
Just outside the Museum in the centre of Liverpool is this sight. I wish I'd have looked at what the statue was so I could tell you about it. If I'm lucky someone will comment on this picture and tell you/me, however I suspect I'll get the same old spam from the comments.
More extreme weather from Zamyatin. Heavy snow one week and the day Manchester was shrouded in thick fog or mist (I don't know the difference no doubt there is a difference). I think this may have started as mist then ended up as fog, and quite bad fog. Here you can see mist around the Co-op building (I thinks it's the Co-op building) with the sun reflecting through it. Again as usual it looked better in real life.