Ruin's PicturesThe Colloseum (Nikon D5000)
With found luggage and a new hotel to go to hope sprang eternal. Even the possiblt long drive from Sabaudia to Rome could not dent our spirits. The first drive in took some thing iver four hours as we zig-zagged down mountain passes and missed hudden turns that the Sat Nav quietly let us miss. I still can't see how it took us so long on the way the since it was only suposed to take us two and a half hours. Anyway, an hour into the drive on a different back I noticed that we were very close to where we were supposed to be. Needles to say we completed the route in under one and a half hours, so what happened with the two and a half hours I have no idea. So we stoped, offloaded and headed out the the Colloseum of course, and here we have it. More impressive from the outside than the insideprobably because from the inside it's hars to understand what it would look like with so much of it gone.
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Reculver Tower (TYTN II)
In an attempt to recover out English Heritage membership we went to Reculver Tower which turned out to be free. The tower threatened by the sea was OK, but the off shore gun emplacements were more interesting and viewable with a really strong zoom lens. Unfortunately I left the tripod in the car so it was all a bit jittery.
With Margate looking as good as Blackpool we moved on to Ramsgate, my current location with a mobile signal. More than can be said for the holiday cottage.
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Neptune's House (TYTN II)
Yes I know it's not his house at all, it's a Temple for Neptune set in Paestum and it's not Roman Greek. If our guide it to be belived then anything we consider Roman started here, yes here. That arena stuff with the Roamans? Here. Gladiator? Roman? No they started here too. Nastro Azzurro? Started here too, they found old fossilised beer cans. OK I'm joking about the Nastro. Paestum started as a Greek settlement taken by the Romans and finally lost in the nineth century only to be discovered nine centuries later when they build a road right through the middle of it. Full of the foundations of old buildings and the main bits of three a temples the later of which is this on built 450BC.
Next on to Paestum museum in the end we were completely Paestumed out so it was to lunch. Nearby Water Buffalo graze producing Buffalo Mozzarella, I'd have liked to see the Buffalo do this but instead we consumed their hard work. No course was complete without a dollop of the stuff whether it needed it or not. I was afraid to ask for the Chicken Rogan Josh. Needless to say I chose the Mozzarella and Ricotta Crepe and the Buffalo Panacotta.
Once fed and watered it was time to try and sleep off the food and Peroni with an Italian Job style drive on the twistly mountain roads back to Amalfi.
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St Andrews (Minolta X500)
With no hope of taking any decent pictures with the bad weather here's an archive pic of St. Andrews castle. I did make an attempt to take go out to take pictures, unfortunately after driving to the Lowry with my camera bag I decided half way that the weather wasn't with me on this one. I could take pictures so long as I didn't mind everything (including me) getting wet. I decided otherwise.
This is what is left of the castle on St. Andrews. I would recommend the place as it's very pretty and almost appears to be a place apart from anywhere else. It also has a public toilet that has been just been sold for £750,000. They must be nice toilets.
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