Click here to see all pictures from December 2007 The Duke of Lancaster More Pictures by Pentax Optio 50 Slightly bored on Thursday I took a virtual flight along the coast from Llandudno towards home using Google Earth. Yes I was that bored. I decided that taking the coast would be more interesting than taking the usual A55. As I flew I checked the occasional links or interesting features, One of which was Mostyn's Port. Dragging slowly back down the coast I saw this funny mark that looked a little like a ship. Thinking that it would just be a ship at a port I zoomed in, after all they are aerial photos that capture cars and people, so I didn't expect it to be there until I found this link which caught my interest. After a bit more searching I found out that it was a boat that served up until the 70's when it was turned into Mostyn's Fun boat, a use that finished in the 80's. Needless to say that I had to see this for myself. What's strange about the ship is that it eerily looks almost like it's waiting for people to board at a port and yet it's quite obvious that it's not moving at all from all the rust. Despite this from the car park it looks like a boat that is in a field and it's on it's way to you. For more information and a quick map to where this place is then there is more information here but in short it is just about opposite of Park Gate where we went in October. Tags: lancaster boat transport disused mostyn derelict 2 comments have been left Make a Comment Comment Left By: Date 21:53 31 Jan 2012 I remember going inside the ship as a kid, being shown the engine room. I don't quite know where the 'fun' aspect came into it. It was a tad rusty in the early 80's but nowhere near as bad as it is now. Good memories though. Comment Left By: Zamyatin Date 08:55 1 Feb 2012 By the sounds of it the fun part of it was banned by the local council before it could be installed. |