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I suspect if I read things then I would know what this really was but I don't so I have no idea what this partial viaduct is within the ground of Chatsworth, but it is pretty as the viaduct stops and the water cascades off onto the rocks below. I did try to get a long exposure of the water on the rocks below using an ND filter but that failed all because the sun was hitting the lens which made all the pictures turn out rubbish, which is a pitty because I think they would have been OK.
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A quick trip out today to give the car a run out and to see what's up at the Barrow Hill Roundhouse the last roundhouse in the UK apparently and it's not even round, but it does have a few trains there. However there's really not a great deal to walk around. I does appear to be a working train yard that you can walk around. When I say a working train yard, it is probably open and working every weekend which is when the public can go an see what's there, but within 40 minutes I was on my way out, so don't expect to spend a great deal of time where.
This picture would have been better of the guy was facing me and was nearer and it wasn't so dark, but I got the effect that I was looking for with the sparks leaving streaks which I liked, however it wasn't as straight forward as you might think to get it right, but I shan't bore you with the detail.
0 comments have been left | 18:37 19 Mar 2016 | Tags: | Make a Comment
Chester Zoo was the location last weekend. It was overcast and cold, so why not spend the whole day out of doors.. The butterfly house was a challenge as usual in as much as the camera was cold and the house was warm and humid, so everything misted up until the camera came up to temperature, oh and the fact that I don't really like the random way that butterflys randomly flit about as if they're not sure where they're going.
Here we have the lion pen, where there was a lion and two lionesses. I was just watching what was going on, and saw this little girl initially roaring a the lioness. Anyway, I decided to get a picture with the lioness and the girl in frame hoping to get the girl roaring. Little did I know that soemthing had changed and when I got home I saw this picture.
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I can't remember when I did it but I heard about Trencherfield mill and heard that they have one steam day a month, what I didn't know is that the only thing at the mill is the engine and it opens for 45 minutes twice on those steam days, however I'm not sure if it's open other Sundays. So it was completely by chance that when we turned up, we arrived sufficiently close enough to it's opening time to hang about and wait. It could all have gone horribly wrong even primed with the knowledge that today was a steam day.
Intricacies of getting to see the engine aside, it's quite interesting and impresive, however if you don't like engines then there's nothing else to see to be honest, but seeing the engine drive the 20 ton flywheel with all it's 2000 horse power is an impressive sight with non of this behind a safety barrier nonsense. As soon as it was up to speed, you are invited to have a loom around the engine when it's running, hence this picture, and for those who care about photography, this was also my first attempt at shooting in raw format, or rather the camera quite nicely has produces a default jpg file and a raw file, so for those where the jpg is quite adequate then I'll take that one, but when they are a little off, then you can use the raw file to do a few refinements which is what I did with this one.
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At the Mansell Collection, which is disappointingly only has a small collection of Mansells and instead seems to be full of cars and car bits. So as you an guess, this weekend we were in Jersey. Fun for the whole family if it weren't for the fact that not all the family was there and the wind was so bad it made each flight (and there were 4) really quite horrendous. In fact the flights got worse with each one, saving the mother of all killer landings to the end which is not fun in the best of times, but bearing in mind I don't know what time I got to bed because I was in the residents bar to stupid o'clock, then it all added up to be a complete arse.
Anyway, back to the Mansell Collection which is basically a £10 jaunt in one small room packed with trophies and cars with the every excited Nigel narrating you through every detail as only a Nigel can. Still I did find out that there is a Birkin 7 which is basically a Caterham/Lotus 7 for the US market, but I'm not sure that little factoid is worth £10.
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