Samsung Galaxy S's PicturesChristmas Cheer (Samsung Galaxy S)
After a much needed trip out after so much of the week being spent indoors out of nothing other than laziness we ended up in Leeds, initially to see Temple Newsam which was OK but probably would have been better if the weather was better and more of it was open. At the time there was a wedding in the Great Hall which would have been good to see (the hall not the wedding). It does make you wonder why they allow visitors into the hall if they can't see all of it, despite that they do insist that you get charged full price, so I suspect if you go then you might want to check. Anyway like I say on a cold day there was nothing much happening and so we left to go shopping in Leeds for some reason. When we parked up this greeted us at the back of the building we parked behind. Some inventive clockfacery action was going on.
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Frog Three (Samsung Galaxy S)
With a ton of things to do what am I doing? Yes taking pictures of frogs or a frog to be exact. I think I should have bought that T-Shirt that said “I have not started procrastinating yet”. With a wall to take down, a security system to get right and booking a holiday. Sigh... it's a tough life. So this now adds to my Frog Library
Today was not much to write about but I'm sure in Heaven I shall be thanks and was also thanked my my Mum for helping clear her garage with my Brother. Not exciting nor interesting but she has two ponds and whilst we were doing the hard work the kids were pretending to clear the ponds and as a result we saw a few frogs, tadpoles and mini frogs. Unfortunately the mini rogs escaped and after taking this pic with the Samsung I wonder whether ay pic would be any good anyway. I am pretty sure that the HTC and the San Fran were better at close up photos. It's a pity I didn't have the Nikon to try a few Macro photos. Bored? Sorry. OK I'm finished.
0 comments have been left | 18:50 8 Sep 2012 | Tags: | Make a Comment
Boss Its the Crane the Crane (Samsung Galaxy S)
After a shocking pun if you understand the pun (if you're as old as me) why would you go any further? Well don't... thank goodness that I have got rid od my only viewer. Been a slow and busy week really. Lots of messing with house business and then a surprise. On Monday I got a month's worth of traffic in a day... what the heck was that you might think, in fact I was expecting a drop after banning a spammer from my site but no. Seems like a BBC program on 7/7 mentioned Matthew “Stan” Brewster who dies on that day and suddenly there was a rush to look for “stan brewster walkway” for which I am one of the top links. Hoorah.... with any luck I shall keep te new influx of traffic, but somehow I doubt.
In addition to that busyness, I have been feverishly (well perhaps that's going too far) extending my reach with the current What Bin Day country-wide domination. But you're not here to hear this, you're here for the pics and this one is in the museum at Manchester University. It's a picture of the 1000 cranes sited there. I'm assuming that these aren't the real cranes but it's about the good luck that cranes bring in Japanese and Chinese culture. The exhibit is about Sadako who was ill from radiation from the war in 1945 (there were no specifics really) who believed if you folded 1000 cranes for a wish then your wish would come true. Her friends and classmates helped here on the way to 1000 cranes. I'm assuming due to the omissions on the plaque next to the exhibit that her wish never came true but in some way she will be alive forwever... in the 1000 cranes... and in the plaque.
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You Are Here (Samsung Galaxy S)
In a rather boring weekend, here's a rather strange snap to add to my stupid signs collection, I'm sure there was a reason fo this sign and perhaps that reason is no longer valid but it appears quite useless now. To be honest this sign in Botany bay is definitely correct but despite being correct it leaves you with nothing more than you turned up to the sign with. I suppose it could have been more cryptic and just as useless if it said “Pigs Oink” or “Water is wet”. To be honest I think I would have preferred it to say “You are not here” so I could watch the confused faces and perhaps the odd person who tried to make sense of the statement stroking their beard.
Of course it could be a reference to The Prisoner what with the Penny-Farthing but I think I'm taking it far too seriously here and I don't even have a beard, believe me I have tried growing one, I looked a mess, I looked like a tramp and that's really an offence to tramps.
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Into Milano (Samsung Galaxy S)
It's not all fun fun fun as a Zamyatinite, sometimes we have to fly to nice places and run between transfers and drive for ages to get to where we are going and then have a four hour meeting. Still a view of the Alps is a bonus when you're flying from Zurich to Milan readying yourself for the airport and a drive to Lugano.
Despite what I said about HDR, this just looks good and since the camera on the Samsung is so bad into the sun I think I needed it.
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Duck Crem (Samsung Galaxy S)
A bit of a test today, first is the test of a walk around where we might end up living (though recent happenings may say different) and a first because it's my first HDR picture which personally I'm not sure I approve of on a photo site. To be honest if I were to do that with every one of my pics, then I may as well photoshop everything and end up with an immaculate airbrushed collection. It sort of kills the element of skill and sometimes the occasional unconventional shot just works, but then again if you're here then you don't need me to say that.
Needless to say there was nothing much happening last weekend and so all I took was my phone, you never know next weekend might be different but then again I wouldn't bet on it.
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Sacre Coeur (Samsung Galaxy S)
A full day walking today and not juston the flat. The Sacre Coeur is quite high in fact it is overone third the way up the Blackpool Tower copy and is higher than the Arc de Triomph is tall so there's a bit of a climb and moat of that is saved tk the very end. Despite this we all made the trip and got there jn one piece it had impreasive views whixh would have been better on a clearer day. Don't get me wrong you could see for miles but as usual the sky wasn't completely clear so there was a haze that make taking photos challenging. Still the church was impressive but since there were services on for Christmas it was packed and I did feel like we were intruding, still a good dag out nonetheless. So you can guess where this picture is from.
Santa was back out with his Police escort around the streets of Paris and all that leaves tonight for is a slap up meal as the Beano or Dandy would describe it. It doesn't realy feel like Chriatmas mainly because so much is open and there are so many people about. Back home most people will be in their houses putting up with another repeat of Only Fools and Horses.
0 comments have been left | 15:51 25 Dec 2011 | Tags: | Make a Comment
All I Want for Christmas is Yule (Samsung Galaxy S)
It's been tiring. Flying to Paris then spending the same amount on the taxi to the hotel as it cost to fly one person to Paris, then a hike down the Champs-Élysées.... It's a hard life. The only problem that may face us is whether anything will be open tomorrow but that worry can be left for tomorrow.
We saw Santa twice, once with his sleigh coasting between two masts and then later on having a Police escort which was a bit if a surprise. However back to the pic, here's a sight we saw on the way to tea at a Chinese Restaurant. I must admit I would love to put a compilation of graffiti together but I just never see it so I was so impressed thag I had caught this one.
0 comments have been left | 21:45 24 Dec 2011 | Tags: | Make a Comment