Nexus 4's PicturesGaskell House Revisited (Nexus 4)
So after they refurbished Gaskell House it now looks like this. I have a before photo and readin the entry back I have no idea what the heck I was talking about. Some rubbish about taking loads of rolls of film and travelling from Stcokport to Manchester on the A6 and taking photos? What the heck was I thinking of. Well perhaps in 2006 I had loads of time to piss up the wall taking photos of a road I just really hate driving down and gets a rough in bits and would have been worse then.
Anyway, back to todays image. It's sort of a very small museum which is quite interesting but also a little brief and lacking in info on Elizabeth Gaskell I though, but perhaps I missed stuff, though a couple of the volunteers were very chatty and full of information, but it was nice to see that they have got the place looking nice and considerably less pink.
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Didsbury Owl (Nexus 4)
Been a little busy since I took this but kept on meaning to put it up. It's not really that great but could add to by Chainsaws collection. I'm not sure how relevant the chainsaws thing is really because I think I started calling them chainsaw art because the first one I saw was made with a chainsaw, however the more I look at them the more I doubt that premise.
This little chap is in in Didsbury and in in Didsbury park to be honest, which is a little less interesting than Granada Park in Denton, or perhaps it's more interesting, it's really a close race there. Anyway, I was so tired tonight I was going to forget it but since I didn't want to disappoint I decided to put it up.
The tiredness came from the Great Cycle Manchester. My training for this even consisted of two months of flying twice a week, drinking a lot, eating restaurant food every night and not cycling. I may have slipped with my training, two weeks cheated and I didn't fly or eat restaurant food, but I held strong on the no cycle rule. You would have been impressed with my resolve. I was less than impressed with the results. I completed 26 miles in 1 hour and 27 minutes which was rubbish, after all that junk and lack of training I was only 8 minutes over my last time where I was cycling 10 miles a day for. So tell me now... why should I bother?
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What Sort of People Are They (Nexus 4)
I must admit, I may have decided to stay at home this weekend if I had known what was on the cards, but my crystal ball was broken so I blindly booked a hotel only to get charged twice for it and to find that the people I booked it with were more interested in taking the money for the room they forgot to do... well... much else other than that. At least we were expected, well two of us were and that's about all they could be bothered doing. I can understand it's very difficult when you're dealing in over-priced hotel rooms, you don't want to guarantee anything for someone who has decided to pay a premium for it. Perhaps I should have just stuck to the ultra reliable cheap as chips Premier Travel Lodge Inn. You at least know what you're going to get and that they are going to take your money just the once.
In the interests of trying to keep everyone happy I made sure that the hotel had a pool so your cheap as chips variety was out for that specific reason. This was so that my not so little little one could have a paddle each morning before being bored by the constant stream of sights to see. So off we went to the pool only to be greeted by this sign. All pretty standard apart from item 3. That definitely caused me to double take. In fact I can't imagine why would would have to put that so high up the pecking order of things not to do if you have to have it in the list at all. What sort of people use this pool that need to be told that? Do they also need to be shown the designated pooing place too? It did make me wonder whether the pool was now a safe place to enter what with the problems with rules in general. After all if there's a rule for it then there will surely be a percentage of people breaking it despite a sign telling them that perhaps the toilet is the best place.
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