Scotland's PicturesNae Day Sae Dark (Pentax Optio 50)
This is David Annand's sculpture inspired by William Souta's poem. Not a good picture because it has a third head that my daughter asked “Who is that?” which reminds me of the situation where I was at home with my daughter. I am pretty sure that when the sculpture was erected I saw a news article on it, however I remember nothing about it. So I have spent a bit of time trying to find out about and and brought up a blank. So forgive me if I don't see the connection between the the poem and the sculpture.
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Culloden Plaque (QTEK 9100)
OK it's not been great since coming back from holiday. A lack of motivation guaranteed. No photo ops despite going to Bolton today for shopping. I did want to photo a bridge by my wife swung our drift around the town in a different direction so it's archive pics I'm afraid. I just can't leave zamyatin post free for two weeks.
Mind you I did see what I found is the most annoying car park ever. Floor one is for Ladies only, floor two and three is reserved for contract parking, the fourth is for parent and child and the there's the disabled floor. Finally on floor 6 I found a place I could park. Now don't get me wrong I'm not against disabled parking I'm for it thought I'm not a fan of some of the people who use the spaces (disabled card or not) but the proliferation of special parking spaces is a but ludicrous. You would have thought that the disabled would be on floor 1 however I suspect it might be due to the fact that car park was on a slope and so perhaps I'm being unfair as we left the car park on level 5ish. Did still seem strange, and they didn't give park tickets you get a blue coin. It's all wrong. Change is bad.
Anyway back to the picture. I think there needs no explanation. It's a strange place -Culloden that is- and I recommend you go there. I must admit -and may have mentioned- that I was not in the mood for standing in a field when I went there back in May as it was raining and I had a cold. If you go do the full tour with the presentation, it's really interesting. Of course you can just read the Wikipedia article but of course by doing that you don't get to look at the landscape that the battled played out on which was decisive.
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St Andrews (Minolta X500)
With no hope of taking any decent pictures with the bad weather here's an archive pic of St. Andrews castle. I did make an attempt to take go out to take pictures, unfortunately after driving to the Lowry with my camera bag I decided half way that the weather wasn't with me on this one. I could take pictures so long as I didn't mind everything (including me) getting wet. I decided otherwise.
This is what is left of the castle on St. Andrews. I would recommend the place as it's very pretty and almost appears to be a place apart from anywhere else. It also has a public toilet that has been just been sold for £750,000. They must be nice toilets.
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Peacock (Minolta X500)
Coming up to the second anniversary of Zamyatin I'm getting a little weepy. So I thought I might add a picture or two from the archive that sort of started it all. I'm not saying that the Scotland holiday two years ago prompted the website but the first pic was from the holiday two years ago. And instead of chucking the holiday pictures live two years ago (which I think was a good idea) I started on a weekly quest to see as I saw. Here is a Peacock in at Drummond Castle that I waited for ages to get. The bird paraded and then stopped at which I took interest so I waited for a bit, then a little longer and then, snap, I got the picture I was looking for.
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Rumbling Bridge (QTEK 9100)
This is Rumbling Bridge at... Rumbling Bridge. It's a actually two bridges in one. The first one build some time in the 19th Century and then a later one just built on top. None of this knocking the thing down the second bigger better bridge was build on top but this time with guard rails and the massive improvement of being higher up so the horses didn't have a steep descent to the bridge and equally steep ascent from the bridge.
Anyway this is a picture showing both parts. The rumbling by the way is because of the sound of thr water down the gorge which is massive and somewhere you can walk around which is impressive. I have a couple of pictures of the water falls but I don't think they really help explain the impressiveness so I shan't put them up here.
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