Dome's PicturesHiroshima and the G7 (Nikon D5300)
We decided that today was a great day to go to Hiroshima, unfortunately so did the G7. What was going to be a rather simple trip to the Peace Gardens and the A-Bomb Dome became slightly more complicated when the G7 decided to take over the Peace Memorial Park. Lots of waiting ensued as the security made sure no-one got anywhere near the park. Finally we got there and found the place mobbed with TV cameras all trying to mop up shots of the wreaths and talk to school children who had been there. Still we made it, and I got this rather predictable shot of the dome in Hiroshima.
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Duomo of S. Maria (Nikon D5000)
More trolling about today and variable weather, some of today was spent inside the the Doge's house which was quite special but no photography is allowed. The main attraction was tripping across the Bridge of Sighs and from my point of view the only sighing that happened was as you would expect when we saw the view, it was so average I sighed from tiredness after walking all around the Doge's pad. Don't get me wrong, if you're off down to chokey in Venice then perhaps you would sigh at your last visions of the view, but owing to the fact that I would soon be out and enjoying a beer in the sunshine the the sigh was more about the waste of time to see an average view of a bridge full of people taking a picture of the Bridge of Sighs, which of course is the wrong way around supposedly.
We also got to the Naval Museum which was OK and full off... boats and stuff. Some of the contraptions were interesting like the two man torpedo which would run for 10 hours at a time and when the target was acquired they would pop off the nose of the thing, attach it to a boat and drive off, safe in the knowledge that the newly detached nose would explode.
Anyway, this is a pic of the Dome of Saint Maria which sits on the mouth of the Grand Canal and is quite impressive to visit but if memory serves then it can be a little awkward to get to. The steps to it drop right into the water too which makes you assume that you can get there direct by boat which would be impressive, this taken from the bridge from the Academia, which is another bridge that seems to have been taken over by padlocks.
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Manchester Dome (Nisis DV5)
Manchester has got a pretty good set of buildings and I don't think we are afraid of showing them... wither that or I'm starting to look upward. This strange dome on the top of a building is quite intriguing, but it's just opposite the Manchester wheel near the Triangle.
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